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How to count the number of connected users

Counting connected users is a bit more complex than counting clients, because a single user can be connected across multiple tabs, browsers or even devices.


When using a single Socket.IO server, a Map should be sufficient:

function computeUserId(socket) {
// parse cookie / read JWT token / ... and retrieve the user ID (to be implemented)

const users = new Map();

function handleConnection(userId) {
const count = users.get(userId) || 0;
users.set(userId, count + 1);
return count === 0;

function handleDisconnection(userId) {
const count = users.get(userId) - 1;
if (count === 0) {
} else {
users.set(userId, count);
return count === 0;

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
const userId = computeUserId(socket);
const hasConnected = handleConnection(userId);

if (hasConnected) {
io.emit("user has connected", userId);

socket.on("disconnect", () => {
const hasDisconnected = handleDisconnection(userId);

if (hasDisconnected) {
io.emit("user has disconnected", userId);

In that case, computing the user presence is quite straightforward:

function isUserConnected(userId) {
return users.has(userId);

function usersCount() {
return users.size;

function usersList() {
return [...users.keys()];


Single user presence

A simple yet effective solution to check whether a given user is online is to use the fetchSockets() method with one room per user ID:


The fetchSockets() method sends a request to every node in the cluster, which respond with their local socket instances (the ones that are currently connected to the node).

Reference: fetchSockets()

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
const userId = computeUserId(socket);

async function isUserConnected(userId) {
const sockets = await;
return sockets.length > 0;

This works, however the fetchSockets() method includes a lot of details about the socket instances (id, rooms, handshake data). This can be slightly improved with the serverSideEmit() method:


The serverSideEmit() method sends an event to every node in the cluster, and waits for their responses.

Reference: serverSideEmitWithAck()

const users = new Map();

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
// update the `users` map (see the "Standalone" section above)

function isUserConnectedOnThisNode(userId) {
return users.has(userId);

io.on("isUserConnected", (userId, cb) => {

async function isUserConnected(userId) {
if (isUserConnectedOnThisNode(userId)) {
return true;
const responses = await io.serverSideEmitWithAck("isUserConnected", userId);
return responses.some(r => r);

However, both methods do not allow to efficiently count and/or list all connected users.

All users presence

The most efficient solution for this use case is to use an external store like Redis.

In Redis:

processesSet[process1, process2]
process1:is-upString (+ expiry)1
process2:is-upString (+ expiry)1
usersHash{ user1: 2, user2: 1 }
process1:usersHash{ user1: 1, user2: 1 }
process2:usersHash{ user1: 1 }


  • the users hash tracks the number of socket instances per user ID
  • the <processId>:users hashes are used in case one server abruptly crashes and fails to update the users hash

Let's start by creating a custom HDECR method, which will decrement a field of the hash, and delete it if it drops to 0. We will use a Lua script, so both commands are executed atomically:

import { createClient, defineScript } from "redis";

const redisClient = createClient({
url: "redis://...",
scripts: {
hDecr: defineScript({
local count ='HINCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], -1)

if count == 0 then'HDEL', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])

return count
transformArguments(key, userId) {
return [key, userId];

Now we'll simply:

  • call HINCRBY upon connection
  • call our custom HDECR command upon disconnection

Here we go:

const processId = randomUUID();
// add the process ID to the "processes" set
await redisClient.multi()
.sAdd("processes", processId)
.set(`${processId}:is-up`, "1", { EX: 10 })

setInterval(async () => {
// notify that the process is still alive
await redisClient.expire(`${processId}:is-up`, 10);
}, 5000);

async function handleConnection(userId) {
// atomically increment the `userId` field in both hashes
const [res] = await redisClient.multi()
.hIncrBy("users", userId, 1)
.hIncrBy(`${processId}:users`, userId, 1)
return res === 1;

async function handleDisconnection(userId) {
// atomically decrement the `userId` field in both hashes
const [res] = await redisClient.multi()
.hDecr("users", userId)
.hDecr(`${processId}:users`, userId)
return res === 0;

io.on("connection", async (socket) => {
const userId = computeUserId(socket);
const hasConnected = await handleConnection(userId);

if (hasConnected) {
io.emit("user has connected", userId);

socket.on("disconnect", async () => {
const hasDisconnected = await handleDisconnection(userId);

if (hasDisconnected) {
io.emit("user has disconnected", userId);

Finally, we can use the users hash to compute the user presence:

function isUserConnected(userId) {
return redisClient.hExists("users", userId);

function usersCount() {
return redisClient.hLen("users");

function usersList() {
return redisClient.hKeys("users");

The cleanup process periodically checks for dead processes:

import { createClient, defineScript } from "redis";

const redisClient = createClient({
url: "redis://...",
scripts: {
cleanup: defineScript({
local disconnected_users = {}
local values ='HGETALL', KEYS[2])

for i = 1, #values, 2 do
local user_id = values[i]
local socket_count = tonumber(values[i + 1])
local count ='HINCRBY', KEYS[1], user_id, -socket_count)

if count == 0 then'HDEL', KEYS[1], user_id)
table.insert(disconnected_users, user_id)
end'DEL', KEYS[2])

return disconnected_users
transformArguments(key, processKey) {
return [key, processKey];

await redisClient.connect();

setInterval(async () => {
const processes = await redisClient.sMembers("processes");
const states = await redisClient.mGet( => `${p}:is-up`));

for (let i = 0; i < processes.length; i++) {
if (states[i] === "1") {

const processId = processes[i];

await redisClient.multi()
.cleanup("users", `${processId}:users`)
.sRem("processes", processId)
// TODO emit the "user has disconnected" events
}, 5000);

That's all folks, thanks for reading!

See also: How to count the number of connected clients

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