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Version: 4.x

Custom parser

Since Socket.IO v2.0.0, it is now possible to provide your own parser, in order to control the marshalling / unmarshalling of packets.


import { Server } from "";

const io = new Server({
parser: myParser


import { io } from "";

const socket = io({
parser: myParser

Available parsers

Besides the default parser, here is the list of available parsers:

PackageDescription to the default parser, but handles circular references. MessagePack to encode the packets (based on the package).
@skgdev/ MessagePack to encode the packets (based on the @msgpack/msgpack package). JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() to encode the packets. cbor-x to encode the packets. devalue to encode the packets.

Implementing your own parser

Here is a basic example with a parser that uses the JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() methods:

import { Emitter } from ""; // polyfill of Node.js EventEmitter in the browser

class Encoder {
* Encode a packet into a list of strings/buffers
encode(packet) {
return [JSON.stringify(packet)];

function isObject(value) {
return === "[object Object]";

class Decoder extends Emitter {
* Receive a chunk (string or buffer) and optionally emit a "decoded" event with the reconstructed packet
add(chunk) {
const packet = JSON.parse(chunk);
if (this.isPacketValid(packet)) {
this.emit("decoded", packet);
} else {
throw new Error("invalid format");
isPacketValid({ type, data, nsp, id }) {
const isNamespaceValid = typeof nsp === "string";
const isAckIdValid = id === undefined || Number.isInteger(id);
if (!isNamespaceValid || !isAckIdValid) {
return false;
switch (type) {
case 0: // CONNECT
return data === undefined || isObject(data);
case 1: // DISCONNECT
return data === undefined;
case 2: // EVENT
return Array.isArray(data) && typeof data[0] === "string";
case 3: // ACK
return Array.isArray(data);
case 4: // CONNECT_ERROR
return isObject(data);
return false;
* Clean up internal buffers
destroy() {}

export const parser = { Encoder, Decoder };

The default parser

The source code of the default parser (the package) can be found here:

Example of output:

  • basic emit
socket.emit("test", 42);

will be encoded as:

|└─ JSON-encoded payload
└─ packet type (2 => EVENT)
  • emit with binary, acknowledgement and custom namespace
socket.emit("test", Uint8Array.from([42]), () => {
console.log("ack received");

will be encoded as:

|||| || └─ JSON-encoded payload with placeholders for binary attachments
|||| |└─ acknowledgement id
|||| └─ separator
|||└─ namespace (not included when it's the main namespace)
||└─ separator
|└─ number of binary attachments
└─ packet type (5 => BINARY EVENT)

and an additional attachment (the extracted Uint8Array)



  • packets with binary content are sent as two distinct WebSocket frames (if the WebSocket connection is established)

The msgpack parser

This parser uses the MessagePack serialization format.

The source code of this parser can be found here:

Sample usage:


import { Server } from "";
import customParser from "";

const io = new Server({
parser: customParser

Client (Node.js)

import { io } from "";
import customParser from "";

const socket = io("", {
parser: customParser

In the browser, there is now an official bundle which includes this parser:

In that case, you don't need to specify the parser option.


  • packets with binary content are sent as one single WebSocket frame (if the WebSocket connection is established)
  • may result in smaller payloads (especially when using a lot of numbers)



Please note that relies on the MessagePack implementation. This implementation mainly focuses on performance and minimal bundle size, and thus does not support features like extension types. For a parser based on the official JavaScript implementation, please check this package.